Summer 2022 Training Update: Live-In Training & Regular Classes
Sesshin Update
The 2022 Summer sesshin included 15 people, with five new students doing sesshin for the first time. In addition to the long hours of zazen, the group did intensive Hojo practice, Kyudo, and Mu-I Tai Chi in the afternoons. Andrew Ching was the jiki and Cristina Moon was the tenzo with help from Geraldine Abergas and handaikans Makana Tavepholjalern and Kana Ogawa.
The upcoming winter sesshin will be held December 5-11. Please let us know ASAP if you are hoping to attend.
Participants in the Summer 2022 Pre-Sesshin in June (left), and Dai Sesshin in July (right).
Live-In Update
Michael Zens, a woodworker and Aikido-ka from outside of Stuttgart, Germany, completed a 3-month live-in this Spring. Some of his contributions are noted in the facilities and Art Show updates in this newsletter.
Michael arrived after two years of talking over Zoom. We were originally contacted by his Aikido and Zen teacher, Jules McGough, who thought that Chozen-ji could help Michael deepen his experience in Zen and the martial Ways. After being delayed by COVID-related travel restrictions, Michael finally arrived in April. He trained in zazen, Aikido, Kendo, and Okyo, and participated in the most recent Summer Sesshin.
Class Updates
Weekly classes on Sun Tzu's Art of War and Fudochi Shimmyo Roku wrapped up this summer in advance of sesshin. The Art of War class included 11 students who have been training for at least one year, many of whom had already completed sesshin and trained in Kendo. Kangen Roshi led the class with the support of several students who had completed a previous course in Art of War, Christine Cordero, Geraldine Abergas, and Li Nishimura.
Beginning September 5, Kangen Roshi will teach a 10-week class on Stephen Kow Roshi's Mu-I Tai chi every Monday night after zazen. Li Nishimura is also leading a Monday afternoon training period for Kyudo.
Monday Kyudo 1PM, Ceramics 6PM, Mu-I Tai Chi 6:45PM
Tuesday Kendo 6:45PM
Thursday Okyo 6:45PM, Kyudo Training 6:45PM
Friday Kendo 6:45PM
Saturday Kado, Ceramics, Calligraphy, Aikido 8AM | Karate 4:30PM
Sunday Chado, Okyo, Kyudo 8AM