Blog Archive

Beginning Zazen—via Zoom

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Even in late March—as the COVID-19 pandemic began—we saw an increasing number of requests from new students to begin Zen training. We decided to offer beginning zazen instruction online for the first time, even as Chozen-ji monks sheltered in place and Dojo members were asked to stay at home and shelter in place.

New, local students who had already started training were able to continue sitting together—virtually—and work up to 45 minutes of sitting without moving. Others from around the globe also joined in, including people interested in coming from afar to live in.

Though in-person classes have resumed, we are continuing to offer Online Beginning Zazen on the first Saturday of each month at 8AM Hawaii Time via Zoom (Zoom Meeting ID 991-597-210) for those who want to get a taste of Chozen-ji training before making the trip to Hawaii.

Cristina Moon