Chozen-ji's Dragon Kiln: Firing the Wood-fired Ceramics Kiln — Chozen-ji

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Chozen-ji's Dragon Kiln: Firing the Wood-fired Ceramics Kiln

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Reconstruction of the wood-fired ceramics kiln was completed in January after more than a year of discussions, design, deconstruction, and construction. At the time of this newsletter, it has now been fired twice, producing wood-fired ceramics for the Art Show that will hopefully take place in November (pending the COVID situation).

Deepest appreciation to the Honda Foundation for funding the reconstruction, and to Yutaka Kawahito and Geri Maeshiro for their beautiful design and tireless work taking apart the old kiln, recycling materials, and building the new kiln.

Live-ins Li and April Nishimura also built new stone steps and a bricked in work area, beautifying the ceramics area and making the preparation and execution of the firing much easier.

CalligraphyCristina Moon