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Chozen-ji's Special Summer 2021 Newsletter

Chozen-ji's 2021 Summer newsletter focuses on a big new project at the Dojo: the development of new housing on the empty lot at 3570 Kalihi Street to support steadily increasing demand for live-in Zen training.

Remarkably, we've already raised $1.4 million through a capital campaign to fund construction. Click here to read more about the designs for this new development and how to participate in the capital campaign.

Inside this summer newsletter, Sayama Roshi shares a glimpse into the packed summer sesshin that just took place, and Chozen-ji board members Colbert Matsumoto, Michael Kangen, and Vernon Char reflects on the changes and growth Chozen-ji has experienced and why they're supportive of the new plans for expanding our housing options at the Dojo.

Finally, you'll find photos of the new awning over the entrance to the Budo Dojo, our Summer Sesshin update, the class schedule, and a schedule of upcoming events—including a post-COVID in person Zen Art Show and Sale in November.

Download the newsletter as a PDF or browse the links below to read all of newsletter articles on our blog:

Letter from the Abbot: A New Spring at Chozen-ji by Sayama Daian Roshi

Housing a New Generation at Chozen-ji by Cristina Moon

Messages from the Board by Colbert Matsumoto, Vernon Char, and Michael Kangen

Sesshin Update: Summer 2021

A New Awning for the Dojo