In Memoriam: Dr. Thomas Morelli, Dan Kawakami Sensei, and Lloyd Inaba Sensei
In a year when many of us experienced loss, we note the passing of several important Dojo members who taught, trained, and embodied the spirit of Zen training at Chozen-ji. Their influence on past and current Dojo members continues to have an impact on the training here.
Dan Kawakami, Thomas Morelli, and Lloyd Inaba
Dan Kawakami, PhD was an accomplished Aikidoka and trained at Chozenji with Tanouye Rotaishi for more than 25 years. In addition to founding his own dojo in Placentia, California, Dan was a professor and counselor at the California State University Fullerton, also for 25 years.
Thomas Morelli, MD was ordained as a Chozen-ji priest under the name 安徳大心 (An-toku Dai-shin, "Peace-Virtue Great/Big Spirit"). Known and respected for his work as a psychiatrist, Tom's warm smile and big aloha will be deeply missed at the Dojo.
Lloyd Hakaru Inaba was ordained as a Chozen-ji priest under the name 敬山玄響 (Kei-zan Gen-kyo, “Respect-Mountain Deep Sound”), and was a beloved band teacher and Aikido instructor on Maui and Lanai. Chozen-ji is deeply grateful to him for his years of support, including ensuring the continued production of Chozen-ji's Chinese Medicine by growing the plants on Maui.